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Thank You for Your Interest in Gong Cha Franchising.
Please Complete the Form Below in Order to Be Considered for A Franchise
Please, enter a valid first name
First Name
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Please, enter a valid last name
Last Name
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Please, enter a valid email
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Please, enter a valid what is your phone number?
What Is Your Phone Number?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your current home address?
What Is Your Current Home Address?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your current net worth (total assets - total liabilities)?
What Is Your Current Net Worth (total Assets - Total Liabilities)?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is the amount of your current liquid assets (you will be asked to share current bank statements)?
What Is the Amount of Your Current Liquid Assets (you Will Be Asked to Share Current Bank Statements)?
- Required
Please, enter a valid tell us your plan for funding.
Tell us your plan for funding.
- Required
Please, enter a valid have you visited a gong cha location?
Have You Visited a Gong cha Location?
- Required
Have You Visited a Gong cha Location?
Please, enter a valid what is your preferred area for a gong cha location?
What is your preferred area for a Gong cha location?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your first choice for a location?
What is your first choice for a location?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your second choice for a location?
What is your second choice for a location?
- Required
Please, enter a valid how did you learn about gong cha franchising? are you related to or know any of our current franchise partners or corporate employees?
How did you learn about Gong cha Franchising? Are you related to or know any of our current franchise partners or corporate employees?
- Required
What would your involvement be within a Gong cha franchise?
- Optional
What would your involvement be within a Gong cha franchise?
Day-to-Day Operator
Investor Only
If "other", please specify.
- Optional
Please, enter a valid gong cha is a hands-on business and we require a dedicated operator for every store. please tell us about your operational plan.
Gong cha is a hands-on business and we require a dedicated operator for every store. Please tell us about your operational plan.
- Required
Please, enter a valid will you be partnering with someone? if yes, who?
Will you be partnering with someone? If YES, who?
- Required
Will you be partnering with someone? If YES, who?
Please, enter a valid we conduct a criminal background check on every applicant. have you ever been convicted of a crime?
We conduct a criminal background check on every applicant. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
- Required
We conduct a criminal background check on every applicant. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Please, enter a valid have you ever been party to a lawsuit? if so please detail your involvement.
Have you ever been party to a lawsuit? If so please detail your involvement.
- Required
Please, enter a valid do you currently or have you ever been affiliated with any other franchises? if so which ones?
Do you currently or have you ever been affiliated with any other franchises? If so which ones?
- Required
Please, enter a valid tell us about your professional experience. please include your current job/employment.
Tell us about your professional experience. Please include your current job/employment.
- Required
Please check errors in the form above
Thank you for your inquiry. We’ll be in touch shortly.
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Email Signup
Please, enter a valid first name
First Name
- Required
Please, enter a valid last name
Last Name
- Required
Please, enter a valid email
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your phone number?
What Is Your Phone Number?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your current home address?
What Is Your Current Home Address?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your current net worth (total assets - total liabilities)?
What Is Your Current Net Worth (total Assets - Total Liabilities)?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is the amount of your current liquid assets (you will be asked to share current bank statements)?
What Is the Amount of Your Current Liquid Assets (you Will Be Asked to Share Current Bank Statements)?
- Required
Please, enter a valid tell us your plan for funding.
Tell us your plan for funding.
- Required
Please, enter a valid have you visited a gong cha location?
Have You Visited a Gong cha Location?
- Required
Have You Visited a Gong cha Location?
Please, enter a valid what is your preferred area for a gong cha location?
What is your preferred area for a Gong cha location?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your first choice for a location?
What is your first choice for a location?
- Required
Please, enter a valid what is your second choice for a location?
What is your second choice for a location?
- Required
Please, enter a valid how did you learn about gong cha franchising? are you related to or know any of our current franchise partners or corporate employees?
How did you learn about Gong cha Franchising? Are you related to or know any of our current franchise partners or corporate employees?
- Required
What would your involvement be within a Gong cha franchise?
- Optional
What would your involvement be within a Gong cha franchise?
Day-to-Day Operator
Investor Only
If "other", please specify.
- Optional
Please, enter a valid gong cha is a hands-on business and we require a dedicated operator for every store. please tell us about your operational plan.
Gong cha is a hands-on business and we require a dedicated operator for every store. Please tell us about your operational plan.
- Required
Please, enter a valid will you be partnering with someone? if yes, who?
Will you be partnering with someone? If YES, who?
- Required
Will you be partnering with someone? If YES, who?
Please, enter a valid we conduct a criminal background check on every applicant. have you ever been convicted of a crime?
We conduct a criminal background check on every applicant. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
- Required
We conduct a criminal background check on every applicant. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Please, enter a valid have you ever been party to a lawsuit? if so please detail your involvement.
Have you ever been party to a lawsuit? If so please detail your involvement.
- Required
Please, enter a valid do you currently or have you ever been affiliated with any other franchises? if so which ones?
Do you currently or have you ever been affiliated with any other franchises? If so which ones?
- Required
Please, enter a valid tell us about your professional experience. please include your current job/employment.
Tell us about your professional experience. Please include your current job/employment.
- Required
Please check errors in the form above
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